3 Best Waterfalls in Peneda Gerês National Park

Anyone who knows the Peneda Gerês National Park has certainly heard of some of the imposing waterfalls that make up the most beautiful landscapes throughout the park. You can find waterfalls of different shap

es and sizes for all tastes, some larger, others smaller, but which, in the vast majority, turn into authentic natural pools, ideal for bathing and cooling off in the hot summer months.


The truth is that the Peneda Gerês National Park has numerous waterfalls due to its altitude and the abundance of water in this region, especially in winter. However, even during the driest months, many of the rivers that make up these waterfalls maintain their flow and it is still possible to contemplate and enjoy the waterfalls in the Peneda Gerês National Park.


Because we know there are many, and so you don't get lost, we highlight the 3 best waterfalls in Gerês:


Cascade do Arado

This is perhaps one of the best known and sought after waterfalls in Gerês, which you cannot miss. This waterfall is located near the village of Ermida, in Terras de Bouro. This imposing waterfall will not leave you indifferent, especially on days when the flow is stronger.

If you go on summer days, you can cool off and dive in the small ponds below the waterfall, if you go in cooler times, you can observe the waterfall from a privileged position, since there is a small trail with steps that leads to a viewpoint. You can access it by car, leaving it on the bridge over the Arado river and following these steps


Tahiti Waterfall

The Fecha de Barjas Waterfall, better known as the Tahiti Waterfall, is one of the most sought after waterfalls by tourists and visitors to the region during the summer season. Due to its natural beauty, it was popularly named Cascata do Tahiti.

It is located near the Arado waterfall in Terras de Bouro and its waters (from the Arado river) were a sequence of waterfalls that become a beautiful natural pool.


Unlike the Arado waterfall, this is an area that is difficult to access. Despite being close to the road, you have to go down a winding path and without many protections to the lagoon. We recommend proper footwear and some caution.


Portela do Homem Waterfall

Finally, we recommend that you visit the Portela do Homem waterfall to catch a glimpse of one of the most beautiful Gerês waterfalls in the national park. In this area, the river man, make up one of the best natural pools to be able to bathe and refresh in crystalline waters in greenish tones.

This waterfall is located very close to the Spanish border and is easily accessible. Just leave your car at the border, as it is not allowed to park near the waterfall and walk for 10 minutes to the waterfall.


To be able to see a little of the natural beauty of Gerês, we always recommend looking for specialized companies. On the Tobogã you can see some stunning waterfalls and dive into these lagoons in a radical way. Enjoy our canyoning adventure. Talk to us and book your adventure now!


This article was developed under the QualMinho@PME Project, funded by Compete 2020, Portugal 2020 and EU FEDER

Cascata De Leonte Geres Portugal Praiafluvialpt 1
Cascata Do Arado Geres Portugal Partiupelomundocom 1
Cascata Tahiti Geres Lagoa Iatisegurospt 1
Poço Azul Geres Lagoa Azul Geres Website Maravilhasdogerespt 1
Sete Lagoas Geres Portugal Vortexmagnet 1


Peneda-Gerês Adventure Center
Lugar da Igreja - Junta de Freguesia
4980-312 Entre Ambos Os Rios,
Viana Do Castelo

Phone: +351 915 707 938 (call for PT national mobile line).

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