Combine Culture and Active Leisure in an e-MTB ride...
Discover the wonders of the Peneda Gerês National Park in an experience filled with adventure, fun and incredible landscapes.

We have 2023 TOP MTB KTM e-bikes with KTM MACINA KAPOHO model. Our friendly and helpful guides will easily show how it works so that you discover how to have some battery extra power...

Equiped with the state of the art Bosch Performance Line CX
The Bosch drive provides you with a unique eBike experience. Three sensors measure, over 1000 times per second, pedaling force, cadence and speed. This facilitates an organic interplay between rider and eBike.
Family-friendly tours

We have an extended range of solutions for you and your family. We have KTM Bicycle Trailer for 2 children's Jogger and e-bikes for Kids as well - KTM e-bike MACINA MINI 2023 model - powered with a gentle electric motor on a vitamin-powered mountain bike! Discover energy flow and enjoy the best mountain trails, city or ecopists with your child.

Local Guides, UNIQUE experiences!
We work with local guides that want to share with you their passion for the region and offer you the most unique biking experience.
Enhance your senses.
Riding a bike, you can literally smell the roses, listen to the rivers and the wind whistle through the trees, and feel the terrain around and beneath you.


Peneda-Gerês Adventure Center
Lugar da Igreja - Junta de Freguesia
4980-312 Entre Ambos Os Rios,
Viana Do Castelo

Phone: +351 915 707 938 (call for PT national mobile line).

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Centro de Arbitragem de Conflitos de Consumo de Braga 
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Livro de reclamações online:
Norte 2020 - Programa Operacional Regional do Norte
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