Canyoning Tours: The best gear for your adventure

Every sport or activity that gets popular will see advancements in the equipment and gear used for it. Canyoning is no exception, and for sure there have been lots of improvements in the gear used for this sport since it first appeared. In here we’ll go through some of the most important pieces of gear that will enable all adventurers to enjoy canyoning to its fullest.


Every sport or activity that gets popular will see advancements in the equipment and gear used for it. Canyoning is no exception, and for sure there have been lots of improvements in the gear used for this sport since it first appeared. In here we’ll go through some of the most important pieces of gear that will enable all adventurers to enjoy canyoning to its fullest.


Canyoning isn’t really canyoning without all those slippery rocks, big boulders, abseils and fun jumps! So, a good helmet is probably the first item on everyone’s checklist. This will ensure you keep your head safe during the activity, and it can also block the sun from your eyes if it comes with a visor. A normal rock climbing helmet is just fine as long as it can handle getting wet, though getting one that can provide good visibility and be of low profile to help you better move through narrow spaces will get you better served.


Wet Suit

There are canyons that don’t necessarily have water in them, but most times you can expect a steady flow of water while you’re canyoning, and you’ll definitely get wet. If you are lucky, there will even be several pools of beautiful mountain water. For this reason, it’s pretty normal to take a wet suit along with you since it will keep you warm from that cold spring water, and it will help you float, so sometimes not knowing how to swim won’t be a barrier to try this amazing sport! Another added bonus to using a wet suit is that the thickness of it will protect you from scratches or hits on rocks. 


If your canyoning adventure will require rope elements, like an abseil or a slide, then a harness is a complete must, as it is the piece of equipment that will attach you to any and every rope that your guides will use during the activity. Canyoning harnesses are similar to climbing or alpinism harnesses, with the difference that they are less water absorbent and they have a seat protection that will shield both the harness and your wetsuit from getting damaged while rubbing rocks.


A rope will make sure you can conquer any obstacle during a canyoning adventure. Is that jump too high for you? No big deal set up a rope and use your belay device to abseil down to that beautiful looking pool. Most used belay device in canyoning is a simple figure 8 with a carabiner. It can take a lot of beating, it’s reliable, but most of all, it’s simple, and you do want to keep your holidays simple, yet enjoyable, right? Also, if you book a canyoning experience with a company, you’ll never need to know how to use this kind of gear, as the certified guides will be aiding you through the entire tour, making sure you focus your energy in having fun instead!

Canyoning boots

Canyoneering boots are sometimes undervalued by companies and autonomous canyoneers, but we can assure you they will give you one of the best quality of life improvements while in the canyon! If you’re going on a wet canyoning adventure, then chances are that you will encounter a lot of slippery rocks, and having proper shoes for canyoning will prevent you from feeling like you booked an ice skating experience! They offer excellent grip in wet surfaces and when used with neoprene socks, they do a great job at keeping your feet warm.

Seems like a no brainer to us, that’s why Tobogã offers the top of the line canyoning shoes and equipment to it’s costumers. We have a wide rage of equipment that goes from young children to adults. So that the activity includes everyone.

If you want to have the best canyoning experience book now a canyoning adventure with Tobogã. You can also like our Facebook page and check our reviews on TripAdvisor.

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Canyoning Geres Tours
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Peneda-Gerês Adventure Center
Lugar da Igreja - Junta de Freguesia
4980-312 Entre Ambos Os Rios,
Viana Do Castelo

Phone: +351 915 707 938 (call for PT national mobile line).

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