Outdoor Sports: what is canyoning

Outdoor Sports: What is canyoning?

Although the history of the canyoning has more than 100 years, only in the last two decades this extreme outdoor activity has become more common, evolving from one activity made by just a few curious explorers, to a business opportunity where companies dedicated to this wonderful sport activity, offer to the average person the adventure of a lifetime!



What is canyoning?


Canyoning is an extreme activity where you go down the river between valleys and mountains using several skills such as water walk, rappel, zip line, jumps (optional) and swimming.

If you decide to experience this activity, you will get to know a “natural path” created millions  years ago by a water stream where you will naturally find several obstacles along the way in form of waterfalls that can be rappelled or even slid into a lagoon of crystal water. There are a lot of option that suit to everyone’s taste!


Can everyone do canyoning?


Yes! Young or old, everyone can do canyoning, what’s matter is that the difficulty of the river is adjusted to the skills of the group. This is a sport with a lot of adventure and adrenaline, but that doesn’t mean everyone experiences it the same way. While some people enjoy pure adrenaline and rivers technically more difficult, others prefer take the time to explore the nature and the beauty of these places, that otherwise are not easy to reach, using easier techniques. When you book a canyoning experience with Tobogã, our certified guide will adjust the river to your skills making sure you have the best experience possible. The desire to get out of your comfort zone is all that you need to have to do the canyoning.


How to start doing Canyoning?

If you want to have a canyoning experience, the best tip we can give you is to choose a specialized professional that are highly certified and experienced, so that you have the best first canyoning adventure. After that, and if you want bigger challenges, you can have experience in advance level rivers or even get a course that will teach you everything that you need to know to be autonomous in this sport.


If you want to have the best canyoning adventure, book know your canyoning tour with Tobogã. You may also like our Facebook page and see the opinions of our clients on TripAdvisor.   





Peneda-Gerês Adventure Center
Lugar da Igreja - Junta de Freguesia
4980-312 Entre Ambos Os Rios,
Viana Do Castelo

Phone: +351 915 707 938 (call for PT national mobile line/ phone).

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