3 of the best canyoning rivers in Gerês

Canyoning is an outdoor activity that’s been growing a lot in popularity over the years, and it consists in going down a riverbed or stream inside a canyon using a variety of techniques that can involve walking on rugged terrain, abseiling, jumping to deep pools (optional) and swimming.

Canyoning in Peneda Gerês National Park will allow you to explore the natural beauty of its canyons, where you can observe huge and imposing granitic mountains, beautiful waterfalls that form crystalline water lagoons and untouched forests full of wild life.


Let's get to know 3 of the best rivers for canyoning adventures in Gerês:

Carcerelha River

The Carcerelha River is located in the downstream section of Ermida’s Bridge inserted in the Peneda Gerês National Park. It’s an affluent of the Lima River with 8 abseils in its full length, the largest being about 15 meters. Along the way it’s surrounded by the natural beauty you can only find in Gerês. There are two emergency accesses available along the river. The exit path in this river is easy and short, a nice stroll where you can continue enjoying the enchanting landscapes of Gerês. Better than words, images speak for themselves:

When it comes to transportation on site, you can always use local companies transfer services.  Or, if you prefer to use your own car, you will need two of them: One stays in the village of Lourido (Exit of the village towards Ermida) and another at the entrance of the canyon, close to Ermida’s bridge.

Rio Arado Superior

A river born in the surroundings of Curral do Camalhão, Serra do Gerês, north of the Teixeira Valley and flows into the Fafião river in Fafião, located in Montalegre. (reference: Wikipedia). In this river you’ll be able to see the famous Arado Waterfall and also have the opportunity to enjoy one of the best canyons in Gerês, with 10 abseils, the largest being 19 meters, and with the possibility of making several jumps to crystal clear lagoons. Although it is an ideal river for beginners, avoid doing it on rainy days as this river increases its flow very quickly when it rains. It is always recommended to practice canyoning with a specialized company.

Portuzelo River

The Portuzelo River is located on the west side of Peneda Gerês National Park and has a duration of about 3 hours. It presents a strong vegetation that cover parts of the canyon, which gives a mystical touch to this river. The river has a level of difficult easy/moderate, and on count several rappels and jumps, that with Tobogã are all optional. At the end of this river there is a small tobogã that the best part of this river, the ones who enjoy sliding along watterfalls really enjoy this part of the river.

There are several rivers in Portugal for canyoning. If you are interested in doing a canyoning adventure in Gerês, contact us!


Canyoning Rio Arado Rapel
Canyoning Slide
Atividade De Aventura Geres
Canyoning Geres Toboga
Toboga Geres
Toboga Portugal Adventure Tours
Tour Canyoning


Peneda-Gerês Adventure Center
Lugar da Igreja - Junta de Freguesia
4980-312 Entre Ambos Os Rios,
Viana Do Castelo

Phone: +351 915 707 938 (call for PT national mobile line/ phone).

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